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Last year I ran a workshop with our sales trainer, Roger Simpson, to a group of butchers from New Zealand. In the workshop we got them to think and talk about their goals. Well, after hearing my story about driving my 1930 A Model Ford all around Australia and up to Cape York to promote Beechworth Bakery, these butchers set a goal to get a unique vehicle to promote their business, Export Meat Warehouse.

They set this goal at our workshop. Now, lots of these goals that people announce at our workshops don’t come to fruition, for they get back to their businesses and reality sets in. They decide they’re too busy, they have all these other priorities, etc. So their goals get put on the backburner or forgotten altogether.

But not this group. They have created something really special. They purchased a 1955 FJ Holden ute and made it unique. The vehicle now comes equipped with a barbecue, a mini-kitchen, and a sound system. Of course they went over budget, but they made it happen. It’s out there on the road giving lots of people enjoyment.

On the front of the ute it says “Born to Grill.” The butchers use it to promote their business by holding barbecues outside their stores and at public events. The customers love the vehicle, and of course the food. Plus, any money made from these barbecues is donated to a national charity. It’s win-win for all concerned.

How many of us have set goals but didn’t make them happen? It’s all about taking action and knowing what you want. People with goals succeed because they know where they’re going. They also get the satisfaction of achieving what they set out to do in the first place.

Congratulations to the team at Export Meat Warehouse for making it happen. Well done!