What’s Our Secret?

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What’s Our Secret?

What’s our secret at Beechworth Bakery? Easy: it’s all about customers. Y’know, our product is no different from anyone else’s. It’s our service and our people that make the difference.

Part of developing a true customer focus is learning. Learn to listen to your customers. Talk to your customers every day. Remember, all customers want value, convenience, recognition and to feel welcome and important. They want solutions to their problems. They want cleanliness. They want security.

Empower your staff to solve customers’ problems. If you truly want to make a difference, invest in your people. Whether it’s a large business or small, people make the difference. Teach in-depth product knowledge and terrific customer service. It’s not always common sense: it needs to be taught.

Don’t try to compete on price: you’re just never going to win. Create a great atmosphere in your business instead. Treat your staff well, because they are in charge of first impressions. They and their families are your best marketers.

Your staff reflect the attitude of your business: make sure it’s a friendly attitude. Sit down with your staff and ask them how you can run your business better. Tell them what your goals are for the business. Encourage everyone to suggest ideas.

Make sure you communicate to the locals who are coming in your door what you stand for. That you’re happy to be part of the community. Be a big part of the community. That’s one of our secrets, for sure.

You know, we have a great advantage over the big chain stores: many customers want more than just a transaction. They want someone to care and help them. So care and help them.