We made it to Kalgoorlie where I’ll be giving a talk tonight (http://kbcci.com.au/events/register/), and another one tomorrow morning. These are organised by the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Chamber of Commerce who have been fanstastic to work with, and very supportive of our cause. Hopefully we’ll raise another good amount of money there for the Fiona Elsey Cancer Research Institute. We’re inching our way further and further up on the fundraising scale but are still quite a ways off from our ultimate goal. So please keep sharing, donating, talking etc.
Because of the talks we had a bit of time to kill on the way, so we took our time to do a bit of sightseeing, checking out Koolgardie and a few other places along the way. I have to admit, we are now keen to get home. We don’t know whether we’ll make it in time for Keith’s 50th wedding anniversary on the 27th, but we’ll give it a red hot go, I can tell ya!